With the deep shifts affecting Europe’s cultural sector, but also European societies at large, this new international training programme seeks to provide assistance to artists and cultural entrepreneurs, as well as to the organisations that serve their needs. It will explore new modes of collaboration and adapt existing training methods to serve the field’s needs as best as possible. We want to do so by sharing knowledge and practices with our project partners, but also by drawing inspiration from the concrete experience of professionals participating in the training sessions. In this regard, working closely with associated partners with expertise in integrating refugees will be paramount, as well of course as the integration of professionals who are refugees among the trainees.



Training Sessions

24 – 28.10 / Berlin, DE

14 – 18.11  / Madrid, ES

05 – 09.12 / Paris, FR

Closing Event of trainings

09.12 / Paris, FR

European Nomad

An international training program for future cultural and artistic entrepreneurs.

Creature Academy (www.creature.academy) is pleased to announce the launch of EUROPEAN NOMAD, its second international training session in the framework of the Creative Network for Culture. For this new session, Creature’s international network welcomes two new partners: Casa Encendida (Madrid, Spain), and Kammerspiele (Kleinmarchnow, between Berlin and Potsdam, Germany). European Nomad will bring together art and culture professionals from Europe as well as professionals with a refugee status in Europe who will follow 3 weeks of training in Berlin, Madrid and Paris. The syllabus will focus on concrete implementation of artistic projects: international cooperation, how to structure one’s activity, planning and producing an event, how to pool resources and skills, and of course, how to get funding.


Draft white paper recapping best practices

Jan-March / Paris, FR

Test phase in France for methodologies
outlined in white paper

Finalisation and publication of white paper on the good practices developed with European Nomad

March – June / Paris, FR

Closing Event

30.06 / Burgundy, FR